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Bay Cities Shoreline Shopping Show


$10 Certificate - McGuire's Sports Bar and Restaurant

Retail Value:
Your Price:
$3.00 (30%)

In Stock (only 6 left)

Limit of 2 per household.

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$10 DINING certificate. Unique daily specials, breakfast served daily, delicious Friday Fish Fry, steaks and more. Visit McGuire's Sports Bar & Restaurant on Facebook.


No cash back. No cash value. No credit given. Customers may buy and use one certificate per person. Good toward food only not to be used for liquor or gratuity. Expires 60 days from date printed.

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McGuire's Sports Bar and Restaurant

McGuire's Sports Bar and Restaurant

211 S. Rosera Street
Lena, WI 54139
(920) 829-6160
View 211 S. Rosera Street on a map